Memory Development Center: we help people memorize complex information

We want peo­ple to learn how to use their mem­ory, and there will be fewer empty-headed con­sumers of infor­ma­tion. That’s why we cre­ated the Mem­ory Devel­op­ment Cen­ter and this web­site

We used to do memory training in live halls. Now we only train online
At one time we had to travel a lot around the coun­tries and cities to make our­selves known


Here we talk about the meth­ods and tech­niques for mem­oriz­ing infor­ma­tion. It is use­ful to come in if you are inter­ested in learn­ing about the his­tory and the­ory of mnemon­ics (mnemotech­nics), mem­oriza­tion tech­niques, about train­ing and improv­ing mem­ory in gen­eral.

mnemonic device, or mem­ory device, is any learn­ing tech­nique that aids infor­ma­tion reten­tion or retrie­val (remem­ber­ing) in the human mem­ory for bet­ter under­stand­ing

We don’t retell trashy books about mem­ory. All we write about are tech­niques per­son­ally tested by the trainer and his clients at the Mem­ory Devel­op­ment Cen­ter. If you like pop­u­lar books like “How to Improve Your Mem­ory in 10 Days,” our jour­nal may sound bor­ing.

We always try to answer your ques­tions about mem­­ory im­prove­­ment and mem­oriza­tion tech­­niques. Go here to ask for your­self or to see memorization tips for others. We may have already answ­ered your ques­tion.

Over the years we have been asked all kinds of ques­tions. Unfor­tu­nately, we know noth­ing about “prayers to improve mem­ory,” “mem­ories of past lives,” and “restor­ing mem­ory by folk means.” But we would be happy to help with advice on the prac­ti­cal use of mnemon­ics.

Be sure to sub­scribe to our You­Tube chan­nel and social media. We can’t pub­lish short for­mats in the jour­nal. We can’t post enter­tain­ing con­tent on the sub­ject of mem­ory either. We have social media for that.

Memory training and memory courses

Our jour­nal is enough to mas­ter the mnemon­ics on your own. It’s free but long and with no guar­an­tee of results.

See the video on how to develop fur­ther

To save time and avoid mis­takes, peo­ple come to a trainer. When we started work­ing, there weren’t many good mem­ory coaches. Now it’s bet­ter, there’s more choice.

The main thing is not to be fooled by promises of “autho­rial meth­ods” and to eval­u­ate the trainer’s expe­ri­ence. Some­times yes­ter­day’s school­boy reads a “book about mem­ory.” At best he comes to us for train­ing. And then he runs off to do his train­ing and courses on mem­ory improve­ment. He can even write his book, as he was taught in the Info­mar­ket­ing course. But our theme does not work that way. You need expe­ri­ence for that.

See the video about how we are dif­fer­ent from others

If you want to study with Bog­dan, go to the “Train­ing” sec­tion. It’s bet­ter to start with the free course “The Secret Knowledge of the Ancient Greeks: How to Mem­orize Com­plex Infor­ma­tion.” And then see if you need the paid mem­ory train­ing. If you need them, come, Bog­dan will be glad to see you.

About Us

There we talked about our­selves, posted tes­ti­mo­ni­als and thanks about mem­ory train­ing, pho­tos of mem­ory train­ing, and our media appear­ances.

It is unlikely that this will be of inter­est to every­one. But per­haps in the biog­ra­phy of Bog­dan Rudenko, you will rec­og­nize your expe­ri­ences. And the reviews of those who have already under­gone mem­ory train­ing will prob­a­bly help you not to make a wrong choice.

“I suggest you start with the mini-course. Click the but­ton at the top”

founder and mem­ory trainer