Memory training: memorization techniques

Here we teach how to mem­orize infor­ma­tion. It helps you learn bet­ter, cope with your work, and stand out from those who use Google instead of mem­ory

One of the first master classes on improving memory
For years we did mem­ory train­ing offline. But then we became con­vinced that it was more effec­tive online

About our memory training and memory courses

If the jour­nal is the the­ory of mem­oriza­tion, here it is the prac­tice. All train­ing is led per­son­ally by Bog­dan Rudenko, the founder, and trainer of the Mem­ory Devel­op­ment Cen­ter.

Peo­ple often come to us when they have already read too many books, watched too many You­Tube videos, take courses in “eide­t­ics,” “super mem­ory” and “speed read­ing,” var­i­ous “boost your brain” and “become a genius.” We make it so that peo­ple can finally mem­orize.

Our spe­cialty is mem­oriz­ing com­plex infor­ma­tion in the study, work, and every­day life.

We are hardly use­ful if you are going to par­tic­i­pate in mem­ory cham­pi­on­ships, per­form in a cir­cus or tal­ent show. Unfor­tu­nately, all of this bears lit­tle resem­blance to real life and there­fore diverges from the pri­or­i­ties of our cen­ter.

“The Secret Knowledge of the Ancient Greeks: How to Mem­orize Com­plex Information”

This is a free course of 5 video les­sons and addi­tional mate­ri­als. If you go through all the les­sons, you will learn about the lim­i­ta­tions of nat­u­ral mem­ory and fig­ure out why you can’t remem­ber com­plex infor­ma­tion without spe­cial mem­oriza­tion skills.

In this mem­ory course, peo­ple are intro­duced to mnemon­ics and from the sec­ond les­son already do phe­nom­e­nal things:

  • mem­orize any infor­ma­tion in the cor­rect sequence;
  • learn the secrets of mem­oriz­ing tex­tual infor­ma­tion;
  • learn how to mem­orize for­eign words cor­rectly;
  • con­trol the tim­ing of stor­ing infor­ma­tion in the head;
  • move through mem­ory as if it were com­puter files;
  • are instructed to fur­ther develop their mem­oriza­tion skills.

And also this course allows you to look at Bog­dan before you buy a ticket to a full-length train­ing. Of course, this is not a live com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the train­ing: a mono­logue in front of the cam­era always looks arti­fi­cial. But it allows you to get a gen­eral idea of Bog­dan’s way of teach­ing.

Basic memory training

There you will be taught how to mem­orize com­plex infor­ma­tion.

The first day will build mem­ory skills. You will build mem­oriza­tion skills and atten­tion span.

This is when you mem­orize long sequences of dif­fer­ent infor­ma­tion: any words of a native or for­eign lan­guage, abs­tract con­cepts, names, let­ter com­bi­na­tions, num­bers, and others. When you recall infor­ma­tion in for­ward­ing and back­ward order, selec­tively, by a key­word or ques­tion, in alpha­bet­i­cal order, or by an ordi­nal num­ber.

Not just improve mem­ory, as others promise, but exactly at this phe­nom­e­nal level of work­ing with infor­ma­tion.

Without the first day, it is use­less to go any fur­ther. Before you can move on to mem­oriz­ing real infor­ma­tion, you have to basi­cally learn how to mem­orize. You have to mas­ter the meth­ods and tech­niques of mem­oriza­tion so that it becomes a skill.

On the sec­ond day, you will learn how to apply the mnemotech­ni­cal skill to mem­oriz­ing real infor­ma­tion. For every­thing around you in life that every­one needs to remem­ber: sched­ules, dates, faces and names, birth­days, tele­phones, addresses, tab­u­lar data, terms and their def­i­ni­tions, fac­tual infor­ma­tion, and more.

Training on memorizing text

Spe­cial­ized train­ing where you will be taught to mem­orize arti­cles, jour­nals, text­books, books, lec­tures, laws, ency­clo­pe­dias, and other com­plex text.

For stu­dents, teach­ers, experts, exec­u­tives, offi­cials, sci­en­tists, and any­one who needs to keep a large vol­ume of com­plex tex­tual infor­ma­tion in their head.

This is top-notch. After this train­ing, you will be able to mem­orize entire books of any com­plex­ity. They tell you the page num­ber—you give out every­thing on it. They say part of the text—you say the page num­ber and the name of the para­graph.

But this is for those who have already com­pleted basic train­ing and want to work in-depth with a com­plex text.

Corporate memory training

The basic prin­ci­ples are the same. But each train­ing is tai­lored to the needs and activ­i­ties of a par­tic­u­lar com­pany or divi­sion.

Basic train­ing teaches how to mem­orize uni­ver­sal infor­ma­tion. At the cor­po­rate train­ing—specif­i­cally that which is encoun­tered in the work of this com­pany.

Individual memory training

Here the trainer works with you one-on-one. It’s long, expen­sive, and not easy to get into: Bog­dan phys­i­cally can­not lead more than 3 clients at a time.


This is unlim­ited sup­port for those who have taken our mem­ory train­ing. A closed pro­fes­sional “hang­out” where we move for­ward together.

You buy a ticket to the train­ing once, and then you can always study with Bog­dan. There’s nowhere else like it.

“Start with the mini-course. The green button at the top”

founder and mem­ory trainer