About Us

Here you can find out more about us and our trainer

Memory coach

Bog­dan Rudenko told about him­self.

Most likely you’re not inter­ested in him, but in the results you’ll get with him. How­ever, if you still want to know more about who will teach you, go there.

Testimonials and customer letters

On one page we have col­lected tes­ti­mo­ni­als and acknowledg­ments about the mem­ory train­ing.

Most of the tes­ti­mo­ni­als are com­pli­men­tary. Peo­ple leave them right after the train­ing and so they are emo­tional.

Unfor­tu­nately, that doesn’t help you much. Bet­ter when the review cor­rects expec­ta­tions: “Don’t go to the train­ing if you expect to lis­ten to a pop­u­lar sci­ence lec­ture about mem­ory... Keep in mind that you get very tired in train­ing... Don’t plan impor­tant meet­ings after the train­ing: Bog­dan explains until every­one under­s­tands and there­fore often breaks tim­ing.”

But there are also crit­i­cal tes­ti­mo­ni­als. We hope they will help you form the right expec­ta­tions and you will make an informed deci­sion whether to study with us or not.


Here are pic­tures of the time when Bog­dan Rudenko orga­nized live mas­ter­classes and train­ing to improve mem­ory.

This is for those who want to rec­og­nize them­selves in pho­tos, and again to immerse in the atmo­sphere of that time and drive.


Bog­dan Rudenko is from a time when peo­ple read news­pa­pers (not the Inter­net) and watched TV (not You­Tube).

Here are a few pie­ces from those days. For an English-speak­ing audi­ence, this will be incom­pre­hen­si­ble. But appar­ently, Bog­dan feels sorry for throw­ing away part of his life. And he came up with noth­ing bet­ter than to put his paper arti­cles and TV ep­i­sodes on the site.

“We just moved to the new design, not every­thing has been moved yet. Be patient, it’ll be here soon”

founder and memory trainer