Memory training:
how to memorize text

We will teach you how to memorize articles, journals, textbooks, books, lectures, laws, encyclopedias, and other complex texts

What is this?

This is an inten­sive online text mem­oriza­tion train­ing.

mnemonic device, or mem­ory device, is any learn­ing tech­nique that aids infor­ma­tion reten­tion or retrie­val (remem­ber­ing) in the human mem­ory for bet­ter under­stand­ing

Who is the text mem­oriza­tion train­ing for?

For those who have com­pleted basic mem­ory train­ing and want to work in-depth with jour­nals, arti­cles, text­books, books, lec­tures, laws, ency­clo­pe­dias.

How to memorize text—basic concepts.

Memory trainer

Bogdan Rudenko is the founder and memory trainer of the Memory Development Center
Bogdan Rudenko is the founder and trainer of the Mem­ory Devel­op­ment Center, Ph.D. in Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence. For the past 19 years teaches mnemon­ics: helps peo­ple mem­orize infor­ma­tion.
Since 2005, he taught indi­vid­u­ally: he devel­oped meth­ods and looked for an approach to peo­ple of dif­fer­ent psy­cho­types. Since 2012, he teaches groups and trains com­pa­nies to help more peo­ple. More about the trainer

Text memory training program

The first day—mas­ter­ing the prin­ci­ples and mem­oriz­ing a sim­ple text


Prin­ci­ples of mem­oriz­ing text

  • three levels of text: infor­ma­tion block, para­graph, facts;
  • two cri­te­ria for the qual­ity of text mem­oriza­tion;
  • two approaches to the text: lin­ear and non­lin­ear mem­oriza­tion;
  • four levels of mem­oriza­tion pre­ci­sion: invol­un­tary mem­oriza­tion, main sec­tions, para­graphs, facts;
  • three floors of the text pyra­mid: the text, the seman­tic anchor point, the image;
  • text collapsing and expanding;
  • mem­oriza­tion algorithm: from the para­graph to the infor­ma­tion block;
  • prac­tice: start with anec­dotes—the sim­plest text, but a text that is nev­er­the­less com­plete in mean­ing.
How to memorize text—the pyramid of text.
The text pyra­mid: we roll up the para­graphs into images and mem­orize them sequen­tially. Then we unroll the images into the orig­i­nal text


Text passages

  • how to mem­orize fac­tual infor­ma­tion and ency­clo­pe­dic infor­ma­tion;
  • prac­tice: mem­oriz­ing pas­sages from sci­en­tific jour­nals.
How to memorize text—facts from scientific journals.

Secrets of the mnemonist: the more exact facts in the text, the closer to the text he mem­orizes. The more dif­fi­cult it is for others, the eas­ier it is for him


Simple articles

  • how to mem­orize short arti­cles with few facts;
  • prac­tice: mem­oriz­ing arti­cles on his­tory, lit­er­a­ture, and art.
How to memorize text—simple articles.
At mem­ory train­ing ses­sions we often go to Britannica. There’s always some­thing to mem­orize


Difficult articles

  • how to mem­orize long arti­cles with lots of facts;
  • prac­tice: mem­oriz­ing Wikipe­dia arti­cles.
How to memorize text—difficult articles.
The infor­ma­tion in mem­ory will be orga­nized like links on Wikipe­dia. A link in an arti­cle is an image in your mind. You imag­ine the image, and as a link, you go to another arti­cle in your head

The sec­ond day—mem­oriz­ing a dif­fi­cult text



  • how to upload text­books in their entirety in your head, cap­tur­ing the sequence of ter­mi­nol­ogy, the hier­ar­chy of con­cepts, and the ta­ble of con­tents;
  • prac­tice: mem­oriz­ing a text­book based on the sequence of terms and def­i­ni­tions;
  • prac­tice: mem­oriz­ing a text­book based on a hier­ar­chy of con­cepts;
  • prac­tice: mem­oriz­ing a text­book based on the ta­ble of con­tents.
How to memorize text—textbooks.

Many peo­ple think that the most dif­fi­cult text­books are in chem­istry, physics, and medicine. But it is much harder to mem­orize psy­chol­ogy, phi­los­o­phy, and other sci­ences, where much goes beyond the sen­sory expe­ri­ence


Lec­tures and methodo­log­i­cal lit­er­a­ture

  • how to mem­orize lec­tures to per­form without paper;
  • how to mem­orize methodo­log­i­cal lit­er­a­ture to put the infor­ma­tion you read into prac­tice;
  • prac­tice: mem­orize ver­ba­tim Win­s­ton Churchill’s first speech as Prime Min­is­ter;
  • prac­tice: mem­oriz­ing Robert Cial­dini’s “Influ­ence: The Psy­chol­ogy of Per­sua­sion.”
How to memorize text—lectures and methodological literature.

In “Poly­glot” train­ing, we mem­orize the same Churchill speech ver­ba­tim, but we check it against the audio and copy his into­na­tion exactly as it was



  • how to mem­orize the main points of books;
  • prac­tice: mem­oriz­ing Jared Dia­mond’s “Guns, Germs, and Steel.”
How to memorize text—books.

Diamond’s book was named one of time’s a best non-fic­tion books of all time. We don’t keep bad books in our mem­ory train­ing



  • how to mem­orize the word­ing, sequence, struc­ture, and num­ber­ing of arti­cles of law and reg­u­la­tions;
  • prac­tice: mem­oriz­ing Codes—this will be an exam­ple of mem­oriz­ing volu­mi­nous col­lec­tions of laws.
How to memorize text—laws.

At the train­ing, we mem­orize the spe­cific laws and reg­u­la­tions that par­tic­i­pants ask for

2 days on Saturdays, 2025

unlimited support in the Mastergroup
(pay once and then work with a trainer for life)


in your local cur­rency at the exchange rate of your bank

“I’ll be glad to see you again”

founder and memory trainer