Corporate memory training

We will teach your employ­ees how to mem­orize com­plex infor­ma­tion. This will help them do their jobs bet­ter

What is it?

This is mnemon­ics train­ing for com­pany employ­ees. Each train­ing is tai­lored to the needs and activ­i­ties of a spe­cific com­pany or divi­sion.

mnemonic device, or mem­ory device, is any learn­ing tech­nique that aids infor­ma­tion reten­tion or retrie­val (remem­ber­ing) in the human mem­ory for bet­ter under­stand­ing

Memory trainer

Bogdan Rudenko is the founder and memory trainer of the Memory Development Center
Bogdan Rudenko is the founder and trainer of the Mem­ory Devel­op­ment Center, Ph.D. in Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence. For the past 17 years teaches mnemon­ics: helps peo­ple mem­orize infor­ma­tion.
Since 2005, he taught indi­vid­u­ally: he devel­oped meth­ods and looked for an approach to peo­ple of dif­fer­ent psy­cho­types. Since 2012, he teaches groups and trains com­pa­nies to help more peo­ple. More about the trainer

Description of corporate memory training


  • to form the skill of com­pany employ­ees to mem­orize the infor­ma­tion that they most often encounter in their work.


  • learn the the­o­ret­i­cal foun­da­tions of mnemon­ics;
  • to form a com­plex skill of mne­monic mem­oriza­tion that will allow after a sin­gle per­cep­tion to mem­orize with 100% pre­ci­sion the infor­ma­tion needed in the work;
  • learn to man­age the stor­age time of infor­ma­tion in mem­ory;
  • to work out the formed skill of mne­monic mem­oriza­tion in prac­tice, hav­ing learned to mem­orize the fol­low­ing types of infor­ma­tion regard­less of its com­plex­ity:
  • sin­gle words of the native or for­eign lan­guage, abs­tract con­cepts, names, abbre­vi­a­tions;
  • numer­i­cal infor­ma­tion (num­bers, amounts, accounts, codes, pass­words, dates);
  • tex­tual infor­ma­tion (from the sim­plest texts to more com­plex texts con­tain­ing a large amount of exact infor­ma­tion);
  • method­i­cal lit­er­a­ture, var­i­ous rules-rec­om­men­da­tions, algorithms of actions;
  • terms and their inter­pre­ta­tions;
  • data struc­tures (clas­si­fi­ca­tions, tables, schemes);
  • abs­tracts of speeches and con­tents of lec­tures;
  • sched­ules, plans, lists of things to do, and meet­ings;
  • blocks of var­i­ous infor­ma­tion about peo­ple (subor­di­nates, coun­ter­par­ties, part­n­ers, investors, com­peti­tors, rep­re­sen­ta­tives of state author­i­ties).

Practical value:

  • the abil­ity to remem­ber work­ing infor­ma­tion with 100% pre­ci­sion for a self-deter­mined period—from short-term to life­long stor­age in mem­ory;
  • free move­ment through the infor­ma­tion in mem­ory, as in com­puter files, which allows you to freely read infor­ma­tion from mem­ory (in for­ward and rev­erse order, selec­tively, by key­word or ques­tion, in alpha­bet­i­cal order, or by serial num­ber);
  • the abil­ity to assim­i­late and mem­orize infor­ma­tion in pro­fes­sional train­ing (books, man­u­als, courses, train­ing, lec­tures, pre­sen­ta­tions, con­fer­ences);
  • fast pro­cess­ing and reten­tion of com­plex busi­ness infor­ma­tion that allows you to eas­ily, con­fi­dently, and without “papers” to make busi­ness meet­ings and nego­ti­a­tions;
  • the abil­ity to remem­ber details of deals after a long time;
  • the abil­ity to learn an addi­tional spe­cialty or skill faster than nor­mal peo­ple;
  • the abil­ity to mem­orize exact infor­ma­tion of vary­ing degrees of com­plex­ity (the flow of reg­u­la­tory, ref­er­ence and ser­vice infor­ma­tion, pro­fes­sional and sci­en­tific publi­ca­tions in the spe­cial­ized lit­er­a­ture) that saves time in the per­for­mance of offi­cial duties;
  • the abil­ity of employ­ees to mem­orize com­plex infor­ma­tion, all other things being equal (edu­ca­tion, work expe­ri­ence, and other param­e­ters) makes them unique spe­cial­ists;
  • employ­ees’ mem­ory allows their unit to per­form tasks more effi­ciently, and this affects the over­all profit of the com­pany.


  • 2 week­ends or 5 work­ing days of 8 and 3 hours, respec­tively.
  • 100 units of infor­ma­tion in 20 min­utes.


  • zoom (if online);
  • cus­tomer ter­ri­tory (if offline).

See Zoom


  • is dis­cussed sep­arately, it depends on spe­cific tasks and con­di­tions.

How to order:

  • go to the order page (the green but­ton at the top).

Photos and customer feedback

Corporate memory training in “Eurasia Drilling Company Group”
Cor­po­rate mem­ory train­ing in “Eura­sia Drilling Com­pany Group.” 2013
Corporate memory training in “Eurasia Drilling Company Group”
Cor­po­rate mem­ory train­ing in “Eura­sia Drilling Com­pany Group.” 2013
Corporate memory training in “Colgate-Palmolive”
Cor­po­rate mem­ory train­ing in “Col­gate-Pal­mo­live.” 2014, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Corporate memory training in “Colgate-Palmolive”
Cor­po­rate mem­ory train­ing in “Col­gate-Pal­mo­live.” 2014, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Corporate memory training in “Colgate-Palmolive”
Cor­po­rate mem­ory train­ing in “Col­gate-Pal­mo­live.” 2014, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Corporate memory training in “IN DAN”
Cor­po­rate mem­ory train­ing in “IN DAN.” 2014, Cherkasy (Ukraine)
Corporate memory training in “IN DAN”
Cor­po­rate mem­ory train­ing in “IN DAN.” 2014, Cherkasy (Ukraine)
Masterclass on memory improvement at the Educational and Scientific Center “Institute of Biology and Medicine”
Mas­ter­class on mem­ory improve­ment at the Edu­ca­tional and Sci­en­tific Cen­ter “Insti­tute of Biol­ogy and Medicine” 2014, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Masterclass “How to memorize foreign words” at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mas­ter­class “How to mem­orize for­eign words” at the Diplo­matic Academy of the Min­istry of For­eign Affairs. 2014, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Masterclass “How to memorize foreign words” at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mas­ter­class “How to mem­orize for­eign words” at the Diplo­matic Academy of the Min­istry of For­eign Affairs. 2014, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Masterclass on memory improvement at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Mas­ter­class on mem­ory improve­ment at the Taras Shevchenko National Uni­ver­sity of Kyiv. 2015, Ukraine
Masterclass on memory improvement at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Mas­ter­class on mem­ory improve­ment at the Kyiv Poly­tech­nic Insti­tute. 2015, Ukraine
Corporate memory training in “European metallurgical company”
Cor­po­rate mem­ory train­ing in “Euro­pean met­al­lur­g­i­cal com­pany.” 2019

“I would be glad to be of ser­vice to your com­pany. Click on the green but­ton at the top”

founder and memory trainer