Mnemonics Mastergroup

Unlim­ited sup­port for those who have taken our mem­ory train­ing and courses

Prob­lems after train­ing

At the train­ing, Bog­dan works with you live. You com­mu­ni­cate directly, he imme­di­ately answ­ers ques­tions and prompts you.

Then you have formed a mem­oriza­tion skill. But you have to develop it fur­ther. Other­wise, the train­ing will remain just the­ory. And even if you then brought the skill to a work­ing state, you still need to main­tain it. So it is every­where: in sports, in music, in any other activ­ity.

And it’s hard to prac­tice on your own. Every time you have to find the strength, the time, the moti­va­tion. There is no one to ask ques­tions. There’s no one to con­sult with. You can’t dis­cuss your sit­u­a­tion specif­i­cally. Usu­ally, after the train­ing, peo­ple com­plain about this.

Bog­dan is open to com­mu­ni­ca­tion, he always says: “Write to me, I’m glad to answer your ques­tions”. But either you’re shy, or it’s hard to make your­self sit down for such a let­ter.

Some­thing had to be done about that. And so we cre­ated a closed mas­ter­group. This is our “pro­fes­sional hang­out,” where we sup­port each other and move for­ward together.

Why would you

Bog­dan records video lec­tures and pre­pares methodo­log­i­cal mate­ri­als. But you can’t ask him a ques­tion when it’s recorded on video. And he can’t check if you’re doing every­thing right. While every detail is impor­tant in mne­monic tech­nique.

In the Mas­ter­group, Bog­dan per­son­ally answ­ers your ques­tions. Explains each tech­nique and tells you how to mem­orize it eas­ily.

If you’ve for­got­ten some­thing from the train­ing, Bog­dan will cer­tainly remind you. You can share your expe­ri­ences or tell about the prob­lem right in the ses­sion.

When we orga­nized live train­ing at the begin­n­ing of the 2010s, we con­s­tantly saw the sit­u­a­tion: Bog­dan asked if there were any ques­tions at the end, but every­one kept silent. We let peo­ple go and say good­bye. But as soon as Bog­dan starts fold­ing his lap­top, peo­ple come up: “I have a ques­tion.” And asked two or three peo­ple, but sur­rounded by a crowd to lis­ten.

And usu­ally, peo­ple would say, “Oh, it never even occurred to me to ask that ques­tion, and I have it. It didn’t make sense to me either, and now it’s come to me.”

Hear­ing the answ­ers to other peo­ple’s ques­tions is the value of a Mas­ter­group.

Bogdan Rudenko’s masterclass on improving memory, one person comes up
First one per­son comes up with a ques­tion
Bogdan Rudenko’s masterclass on improving memory, then surrounded by a crowd
After a minute, the crowd sur­rounds

You have a per­sonal sup­port group by your side. Peo­ple who are close in spirit help you to develop fur­ther.

Bog­dan comes up with tasks for the par­tic­i­pants of the Mas­ter­group. He brings prac­ti­cal tricks: new thoughts and fresh obser­va­tions appear all the time. And it is not only Bog­dan who shares his knowledge. You, too, have some­thing to tell. It is always help­ful to learn what others did and try on some­one else’s sit­u­a­tion on your­self.

In the Mas­ter­group, peo­ple mem­orize books and mate­ri­als from dif­fer­ent areas of knowledge. Usu­ally, you have to force your­self, but here Bog­dan does it for you in the ses­sion.

Train­ing is good. But any train­ing ends. And you need to move for­ward. This is what a Mas­ter­group is for.

Why should we

Bog­dan wants you to keep your results after train­ing and move on. Good results with you = good rep­u­ta­tion with us.

How the ses­sions take place

The meet­ings take place like train­ing ses­sions at Zoom.

See Zoom

It’s not “sup­port from our men­tors in a chat room.” It’s not a webi­nar where you just lis­ten and ask ques­tions via chat. This is full-fledged face-to-face com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

You can ask a ques­tion via web­cam, share an expe­ri­ence, or talk about a prob­lem. It’s like a friendly meet­ing, only online.

The Mas­ter­group will be led by Bog­dan, as long as he is alive and well. And as long as you are inter­ested.

Participation procedure

  1. Once a month, you pre­pare your ques­tions in advance.
  2. These can be ques­tions on indi­vid­ual mem­oriza­tion tech­niques or sit­u­a­tions in gen­eral. You may ask ques­tions on related top­ics. Ask any ques­tions, and Bog­dan will see: if it is inap­pro­pri­ate to dis­cuss in the group, he will answer indi­vid­u­ally.
  3. Send your ques­tions through the form below. Ques­tions sent in advance have pri­or­ity. The rest will be sorted out if there is still time.
  4. It is great when you include spe­cific mate­ri­als for mem­oriz­ing. Then dur­ing the ses­sion, we do not waste time look­ing for them and down­load­ing them. Send the mate­ri­als through the form, too.
  5. Come to the ses­sion and we’ll work it all out together.

Sunday, 2025


Try to for­mu­late ques­tions unam­bigu­ously:

“Don’t worry if you’ve for­got­ten some­thing, if you haven’t prac­ticed enough, or if some­one seems more advanced. That’s why we cre­ated the Mas­ter­group so that you can improve your knowledge”

founder and memory trainer