Individual memory coaching
This is individual online memory coaching: I work with you one-on-one to make your memory phenomenal
Why learn memorization techniques?
You will upload information into your head as if it were a computer and then recall it with 100% precision: word for word, letter for letter, digit for digit. Whereas a normal person can memorize and repeat only 7 ± 2 elements.
The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two. It is often interpreted to argue that the number of objects an average human can hold in short-term memory is 7 ± 2. This has occasionally been referred to as Miller’s law
Memory trainer

How does memory training go
We will study in real-time in web conference mode: you are at home, but you train face-to-face with me.
See Zoom
You see the desktop of my laptop, work together with presentations, documents and applications, synchronously view training sites, video files, images.
The length of each session depends on your abilities. When I lead a two-day training, there are “seven of one do not wait”: explained, dismantled, and then move on. The student is responsible for the success or failure. In individual training, the duration of the session is such that you understand and you get it: from 1 to 2 hours.
Mnemonics training program
The training program I develop individually for each person. But in general, I train my clients in memorization skills in the following areas.

- the program forms the initial skill of memorization (the ability to quickly convert memorized information into associations, to combine images in the imagination and retain them in memory for the necessary time, to concentrate on the material and repeat large amounts of information);
- the necessary condition of the next levels (without the skill of memorizing there is nothing to do further);
- at this level, practicing ways of memorization (they then fold into a coherent system and allow you to memorize with absolute precision any information).
There are, then, two kinds of memory: one natural, and the other the product of art. The natural memory is that memory which is imbedded in our minds, born simultaneously with thought. The artificial memory is that memory which is strengthened by a kind of training and system of discipline. But just as in everything else the merit of natural excellence often rivals acquired learning, and art, in its turn, reinforces and develops the natural advantages, so does it happen in this instance
written in 86-82 BCE
- to form the initial skill of memorization.
- powerful training of visual thinking;
- development of attention span;
- learning basic memorization techniques and practicing them on a large number of letter combinations, syllables, words, names, and numbers.
Genius is the supreme ability to concentrate on the subject being studied
Practical value:
- the ability to memorize long sequences of different information (any native or foreign language words, abstract concepts, names, letter combinations, numbers);
- the ability to recall a sequence of information in forward and backward order, selectively, by a keyword or question, in alphabetical order, or by serial number.
The words or the language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem to play any role in my mechanism of thought. The psychical entities which seem to serve as elements in thought are certain signs and more or less clear images which can be ‘voluntarily’ reproduced and combined. <...> This combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought
Numerical characteristics:
- 200-digit number (20 phone numbers) in 10 minutes: precision and speed, like taking notes, only you write them down immediately in your brain;
- 100 pieces of information in 20 minutes.
- 9 sessions in 3 weeks.
- 750 euros.

- the program embeds the skill of memorizing commonly encountered information (normal people find it impossible to memorize);
- includes a shortened version of the START program.
- to form the skill of memorizing common types of information.
- learn to memorize historical and exact dates, start and end dates of events, constants, and formulas, persons and names, birthdays, addresses, telephone numbers, car license plates, schedules, anecdotes, place names and objects, terms and their interpretations, foreign words, and characters, codes, and passwords, questions, and answers, factual information;
- learn to memorize information systematically;
- learn how to manage the storage time of information in memory.
Alexander the Great remembered the 30,000 soldiers of his army by sight and name. He was brought up from the age of 13 by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, author of the treatise “On Memory and Reminiscence”. And mnemonics for the ancient Greeks is like arithmetic and the rules of writing for us. Cyrus, Caesar, Napoleon—many used mnemonics
Practical value:
- the ability to memorize the most common types of information with 100% precision for a self-determined period: from short-term to lifelong storage in memory;
- the ability to memorize any data structures (classifications, charts, chronological and other tables);
- the ability to memorize blocks of different information about people;
- the ability to memorize, at a basic level, foreign words, and hieroglyphs;
- free movement through information in memory, as in computer files, which allows reading information from memory in forward and backward order, selectively, by keyword or question, in alphabetical order, or by serial number.
Numerical characteristics:
- 25 main types of information;
- 100 blocks of information (not individual letters, words, or numbers, as in START, but blocks of information united by meaning).
- 12 sessions in 4 weeks.
- 1000 euros.

- the program embeds the skill of learning any foreign language 2‑3 times faster and more reliably than traditional methods;
- includes all stages of language learning, no matter what form you learn them afterward: on your own, with a tutor, or in a group;
- includes a shortened version of the START program.
- to form the skill of memorizing foreign languages.
- learn to memorize words and phrases;
- learn to memorize structural patterns;
- learn to memorize grammatical rules;
- learn to memorize forms of irregular verbs;
- learn to memorize verbatim educational texts, poems, and song lyrics;
- learn to memorize monologues and dialogues.
Practical value:
- the ability to memorize the basic elements of any foreign language;
- increasing the reliability and speed of learning any foreign language by 2‑3 times.
Numerical characteristics:
- 50‑100 foreign words in 1 hour;
- 50‑100 foreign phrases in one hour;
- an educational text, verse, or song text for one hour.
- 15 sessions in 5 weeks.
- 1250 euros.

- the program embeds the skill of memorizing complex text information;
- includes a shortened version of the START program.
A mnemonic device, or memory device, is any learning technique that aids information retention or retrieval (remembering) in the human memory for better understanding
- to form the skill of memorizing a complex text.
- learn to memorize textual information, from the simplest text to the most complex text;
- learn to memorize textbooks and books of similar complexity;
- learn to memorize lectures, reports, presentations, abstracts of public speeches;
- learn to memorize methodical literature;
- learn to memorize legal acts;
- learn to memorize the main points of books.
Practical value:
- the ability to memorize complex text: articles, magazines, textbooks, books, lectures, laws, encyclopedias.
Numerical characteristics:
- a textbook or handbook in 1 evening.
- 18 sessions in 6 weeks.
- 1500 euros.
Three typical examples
- The owners of a troubled holding company invited crisis manager Robert to put their companies in order.
The situation had to be rectified in unfamiliar companies, and even more so in crisis conditions—tension, lack of time, and conflict of parties. The manager from the outside is always a stranger to the team. Any decision by him is received with hostility.
Knowing this, Robert turned to me two months before his appointment.
After UNIVERSAL and TEXT he not only coped with the flow of new information but also immediately earned credibility: in the same way that Alexander the Great, Caesar and Napoleon knew all the soldiers of their army by sight and name, Robert addressed the employees of the holding by name from day one, operating with the details of their biographies.
Employees, amazed by Robert’s abilities, were in awe of him. And partners and competitors convinced that Robert held the story of their relationship in his head, perceived him as a genius.
- Larisa, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Languages at the Ukrainian Diplomatic Academy, is a professional linguist of the highest level who has interned in Canada, London, and Cambridge. Holds an International Certificate in English Language Teaching (ICELT).
While teaching diplomats, attachés, and secretaries of embassies at the academy, as well as personal students, Larissa told them “WHAT to memorize” but could not provide the tools to answer the question of “HOW to memorize.” Banal rote learning did not ensure the reliability and speed of memorization.
POLYGLOT turned out to be a salvation. After the training Larissa became a legendary teacher—people were waiting in line for individual lessons with her months in advance.
- After graduating from an elite high school in Ukraine, Dmitry had to enter one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the United States.
He was an excellent student. He knew English well. He never complained of a bad memory. Nevertheless, given the importance of the task, over the summer Dmitry passed UNIVERSAL, POLYGLOT, and TEXT.
Not only did he get into the university, but he was also able, one of the few foreigners, to get a scholarship.
Thanks to his memorization skills, Dmitry successfully studied further—in another language, in another country, with other people, and in another educational system.
How to become an individual client
I won’t be able to waste my energy and time on something I’m not interested in, even for a lot of money.
But I would be happy to work with you:
- If you understand exactly why you need the skill of memorization. I will not motivate you and explain how it helps you study, work, build a career and business, advance in personal development and other areas of life. Come to me already motivated.
- If you are ready to train and do not believe in “magic pills” for memory. Don’t think that you can pay and your memory itself will become phenomenal. You have to do a lot of special exercises under my guidance to form a skill.
It does not guarantee that I will teach. But without it, you and I won’t succeed.
Without strong motivation, you can’t handle the workload. Get ready for serious training—I drive my individual students to the seventh sweat. Despite this, your interest in the classes will be constant.
Physically, I can not lead more than 3 people at a time. The fourth will not be able to get to me for any money. So be prepared for the fact that sometimes you have to wait until there is a space available.
“In the beginning, you will pay only for the first session. We’ll look at each other: you’ll try it out with me, and I’ll verify my assumptions and your abilities. If everything is normal, we’ll finally strike a deal, and only then will you pay for the remaining sessions of the agreed-upon course of study”