Signing up for text memorization training

We want the train­ing to meet your expec­ta­tions. To do this, we need to see if we can help

Participation procedure

  1. Fill out the appli­ca­tion at the bot­tom of the page. Send it in if you’re sure you want to par­tic­i­pate. This is not a social media event with “Inter­ested” and “Going” but­tons. When Bog­dan approves an appli­ca­tion and you don’t buy a ticket, the admin­is­tra­tor then doesn’t know what to do with your appli­ca­tion.
  2. Bog­dan reviews each appli­ca­tion per­son­ally within 1‑2 days. If he can help—the admin­is­tra­tor will write about it and send a link to pay for the train­ing. If he can’t help, the admin­is­tra­tor will also write.
  3. Your appli­ca­tion and our response are some­times lost on mail servers. If you haven’t heard back in 2 days, write to us.
  4. After pay­ment, Bog­dan will send instruc­tions for con­nec­tion. And will be wait­ing for you at the zoom on Sat­ur­day.

2 days on Saturdays, 2025

unlimited support in the Mastergroup
(pay once and then work with a trainer for life)


in your local cur­rency at the exchange rate of your bank

Questions help us better satisfy your interests: